Artist: David Sequeira
David Sequeira uses colour to explore ideas of continuity, connectedness and endlessness. In two works, Everything and Nothing 2011 and The Buddha and the Ellipse (140 monochromes) 2013, he does not use colour to illustrate or describe something; instead, his work focuses on the nature of colour and our relationship with it. Everything and Nothing incorporates mirrors, text and colour to encourage viewers to literally see themselves within the work of art. The sequence of colours from red to purple (spectrum) that David uses has been linked to a range of western and eastern philosophies as a symbol for infinity and enlightenment. Arranging the coloured panels and mirrors in a continuous line, he encourages viewers to progress through the whole sequence of colour and ‘see themselves’ as part of the spectrum. The Buddha and the Ellipse (140 monochromes) is a new work created especially for Wyndham City. David combines the iconic form of the Buddha with coloured ovals. With their eyes cast down, each monochrome Buddha holds a ‘piece’ of colour. Set amid a wall of floating coloured ellipses, the Buddhas suggest that colour is an entity that can be used for meditation.