Curated by Caroline Esbenshade
Artists: Anastasia Klose, Maja Malou Lyse and Arvida Bystrom, Tracey Lamb, Lola-Mae Pink, Honey Long and Prue Stent, Jessie Adams
Presented in the lead-up to International Women’s Day, this exhibition explores the use of pink and other feminine motifs in creative practice by womxn. Once maligned for being girly and diminutive, pink is reclaimed and presented in hues ranging from hot pink to millennial with works exploring the social, biological and performative intersections of the colour in practice. Intended as a platform for dialogue, the exhibition explores where the combination of second-wave feminism and neo-liberal feminism has brought women artists today. Covering a range of mediums and styles, the pieces present a variety of creative practices and approaches to feminist narratives, each using pink as an element to strengthen their work, not minimise it.