Artists: Vernon Ah Kee, Richard Bell, Destiny Deacon, Gordon Hookey, Clotilde Jiminéz, Dianne Jones, William Kentridge, David Sequeira, wāni toaishara, Vicki West
RACE is an exhibition filled with nationally and internationally renowned artists who unpack, unmask and explore issues around race and what it means. The exhibition includes video, photography, sculpture, animation and collage. Complex issues are addressed with both humour and poignancy. Wyndham is one of the most diverse communities in Victoria, and the gallery provides a platform for artists to share their varied voices, perspectives, insight and knowledge.

Smoking Ceremony by Uncle Larry Walsh

David Sequeira

David Sequeira

Richard Bell

Race installation view

Destiny Deacon

Gordon Hookey

William Kentridge and Vernon Ah Kee

Vernon Ah Kee

wāni toaishara

Vicki West

Race installation view

Exhibition Opening, The Fighting Gunditjmara

Exhibition Opening, The Fighting Gunditjmara

Exhibition Opening, Reading of the International Declaration of Human Rights in 32 peoples mother tongue

Exhibition Opening, Reading of the International Declaration of Human Rights in 32 peoples mother tongue

Opening night

Absolutely awesome! Can’t believe there is an exhibition of the quality in Werribee… BRILLIANT!
Thought provoking insight to what race means to a broad range of artists. Would love to see more!
Fantastic, love the William Kentridge. Keep up the great work. It was inspiring.
Wonderful to be reminded of our shared humanity.
Great show – loved the quirky and irreverent humour, such a serious and pertinent subject.