A response to PLANT, an artist’s residency
Artist: Bindi Cole Chocka
WEST OF EDEN is the result of a three-month Wyndham Art Gallery residency by artist Bindi Cole Chocka at the Melbourne Water Western Treatment Plant. Bindi’s father Uncle Bryon Powell is an Elder of the Wadawurrung people, the traditional owners of the land on which the Western Treatment Plant stands. Bindi spent many hours onsite, capturing images and footage to create a series of digitally constructed black and- white fantastical landscapes; a series of small untouched colour landscapes that highlight the beauty of the plant; and a video work inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The paintings make me feel happy.
Skylar, Age 9
Love all the symmetries demonstrated in the art and video. You picked a very good topic to research and demonstrate the beauty of the west! Good job!
I Heart WTP !
Back for a third look.
Marcel M
Very interesting journey.