New possibilities of hope and splendour
Guest curator: wāni toaishara
Artists: Fatma Hussein, farhiya jama, Peter Waples-Crowe, Gideon Wilonja, Ivy Mutuku
European Futurism was an art movement that began in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century inspired by new technology, fast cars and speed. Bla(c)k Futurism is about creating art out of strength, pain, loss and success. It is fundamentally rooted in being denied a full history and looking to the future to correct that. FUTURISM explores innovation in the 21st century and what possibilities arise for Intergenerational Bla(c)k artists today as they take on the challenge of looking to the future to create new possibilities and images of hope and splendour. The artists in FUTURISM create work that defies the way black and brown people have been represented in Australia in a powerful creation of bla(c)k futures.